Friday, February 4, 2011


today i want to talk , oh no no . actually i want to type about the word T.R.U.S.T. (: what u alls know about trust ? it takes years to build trust , and a few seconds to destroy it . yeah , for me . its quite difficult to trust someone easily right ? ye laa , we don't know the true intention in her or his heart , sincere or not . thats why we must be more careful .

sometimes , after some incident happened , it may allow us to trust someone . errr don't understand ? lantak la . i don't want to give example here . hAhaA . emm , but if someone believe us , trust us , we must appreciate it . never try to destroy others belief okay . so that , ukhuwah is always terjage . i like to use rojak language okay , never mind la -.-

if we have destroyed someone's belief , it may hurt her or him . really pain . and maybe she or he will say ,
''I'm not upset that you lied to me , i'm upset that from now on I can't believe you'' .
means that , once he or she is being betrayed , the impact is so great . no chance for us to correct it back . otherwise , it may be different .
trUst is like a vase . once it's broken , though u can fix it , the vase will never be same again.
so , don't play play haaa . :p

actually , trust start in our lives. in ourselves i mean . we do something , if don't have any confidence or belief , its useless to do anything . how to trust ourselves ?
follow your heart , but be quiet for a while. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart before you trust someone. (:

emmm . thats all for today , daaa <3

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